
Why Cant I Have a Baby?

Simply arming yourselves with a little knowledge of how the process of pregnancy occurs and how the male and female bodies react can dramatically improve your chances of becoming pregnant and it takes several months or sometimes even years to have healthy babies. Women under 30 usually conceive after trying for 12 to 18 months. Around 60% women conceive within the first six months, 75% within nine months, and 90% of them conceive within 18 months. In most women, if the cycle is regular, ovulation period occurs between the 11th and 21st day of the cycle. One has the maximum possibility of conceiving on the day just before and after the ovulation. 

This is because high levels of stress affect the normal functioning of the hypothalamus, which controls your hormone production. Why not tap into some of that power and see, smell, touch, taste, and hear your way pregnant! Sounds silly and crazy? Yes it does, but guess what? It works! 

The thing with myths like this is that it makes it even harder to get pregnant and have healthy babies, because couples don't really know what their doing and only end up frustrated. In fact, women only have around 25 percent chance of getting pregnant every month. Don't simply determine the day you ovulate based on a standard chart. It is best to have unprotected sex several days leading up to ovulation as well as the day of ovulation. These things can immediately turn you and/or your partner off and put sex aside. Additionally partners can get involve with treatments of infertility.

Not only can an aromatherapy massage help you and your partner relax, but it is also used to boost women's reproductive health. Try to eat more foods that are filled with vitamins A and E, as these are known to improve libido and have a good effect on reproductive organs. Other natural aphrodisiacs include oysters, mussels, caviar, milk, tomatoes, asparagus, strawberries, mangoes, and chocolate. 


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